For Many Aviation Companies, Marketing is an Haphazard  Enterprise Without Worthwhile Results

As experts in aviation marketing, advertising, social media, public relations, to name just a few – we can streamline your marketing efforts into an effective campaign that delivers the right results for your aviation business!

You’ve Got Questions – We’ve Got Answers!

We Know What Works and What Doesn't

With over 60 years of combined marketing experience, we know what will work best for your business – and what won’t.

Getting the Right Customers to Buy

We identify your most profitable customers and create targeted campaigns to zero in on them. We use tracking metrics to ensure prospects are converting into customers.

Stand Out From The Competition

We create an U.S.P. (Unique Selling Proposition) that will make your business stand out in the marketplace and motivate your customer to choose your business versus your competitors.

Making Every Dollar Count!

Our marketing campaigns will use your marketing budget efficiently. We track results and make adjustments to tactics and media — making sure every dollar counts!

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Work with the marketing agency preflighted for aviation

Aviation Marketing Consulting Services

Strategic Marketing Plans

We develop a “flight plan” for success through development of a strategic marketing plan that establishes short- and long-term business objectives, identifies your top customer segments and defines the competitive positioning or U.S.P. (Unique Selling Proposition) that will make your business stand out in the market place and make it the clear choice for your key customers.

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Aviation Marketing Consulting creates compelling, attention-grabbing advertising to promote your aerospace or aviation business. We have extensive experience in all forms of advertising from print to radio, from TV to digital, from in-store promotions to outdoor billboards.

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Public Relations

Public relations is a very effective marketing tool in building awareness and generates interest for your company through press releases, publicity and press events. Getting press coverage is very powerful because it gives the impression of a third-party endorsement by the medium in which the story appears.

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Digital Marketing

Aviation Marketing Consulting develops and implements effective digital marketing campaigns – vital for businesses to attain a national and global presence. Services include Website Development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Google AdWords & Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising, Banner Ads, eCommerce and Email Marketing.

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Social Media

The newest media channel is emerging as a powerful marketing tool with the proliferation of many social media platforms, such as: Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram and more. Aviation Marketing Consulting will manage all aspects of your social media program from strategy, content development, posting, promotions, monitoring and reporting.

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Developing a brand identity is no longer optional in aviation’s competitive marketplace – we will create a memorable brand image that communicates your business’s core values, principles and benefits in a manner that will resonate with your core customers.

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Client Testimonials

  • Our rankings in major search engines had dropped, as well as the number and quality of our website leads. The local agency that was managing digital marketing really did not understand our aviation business and did not have an effective answer to improve lead generation. We switch to Aviation Marketing Consulting - they dramatically improved our SEO and PPC campaigns and subsequently the number and quality of leads from our digital marketing campaign.

    – Mike Medley Flight Training International, Inc. / President
  • Selling the wx24Pilot app is somewhat difficult as it is a new way of presenting aviation weather. Finding a marketing company that understands and appreciates the problem and is able to bring original thinking to the table is what I needed and what I found in Aviation Marketing Consulting. They brought innovative ideas, suggestions and solutions and produced early results and is why I extended their contract beyond the initial launch phase.

    Paxton Calvanese
  • We have worked with Aviation Marketing Consulting for many years utilizing their marketing programs to successfully promote our FBO, Aircraft Charter, Flight School and Aircraft Maintenance. They built our two websites, created email and snail mail marketing campaigns, handled our public relations and implemented numerous other projects on our behalf. We found their rates to be reasonable and worthwhile when considering the “bang for the buck” that we received

    Gene Condreras Panorama Flight Service / President
  • Clearly you are doing an amazing job! Chelsea and I are swamped so bad, and I see that our ATP-CTP rankings are going up. That is great. That is what Mike wants to make sure we are getting our fair share of. Chelsea and I have been on the phone all day, but for all the right reasons.

    Kelly Regan Flight Training International / Sales Manager
  • We wanted an objective review of our past and proposed marketing initiatives to determine if our marketing message, tactics and media aimed towards business aviation was as effective as possible. We reached out to Aviation Marketing Consulting because of their extensive knowledge and experience providing strategic marketing services to the business aviation segment of the industry.

    James Person ViaSat, Inc. / Director of Global Business Development
  • Finally, someone has written a general aviation marketing book that everyone selling aviation products or services needs. Rocco Cipriano’s Aviation Marketing Handbook helps you answer the question that’s on the minds of each and every one of your potential clients: What’s in it for me? Your success as an aviation enterprise is dependent on how well you answer that question for your customers. Rocco’s Aviation Marketing Handbook provides many of the tools, strategies and techniques you’ll need to better promote and sell your aviation products and services.

    Rod Machado
    Rod Machado Flight Instructor, Author, Speaker


Aviation Marketing Consulting
Marketing Solutions To Make Your Aviation Business Soar!